Specialized Energy Code Webinar
Tuesday, March 18 at 7:00 PM on Zoom
Join us to learn the details of a new Building Code which will improve energy efficiency and provide consumer protection in Westford.
Award-winning documentary, Inundation District, presented in Westford
Friday, April 4th at 7:30 pm
Please join us for this important film. Our screening will take place on Friday, April 4th at 7:30 pm at the First Parish Church United in Westford, 48 Main Street. The film will be followed by a Q&A by David Abel. This event is free as it is being generously co-sponsored by the Friends of the J.V. Fletcher Library, First Parish Church United, Sustainable Westford, League of Women Voters of Westford and Westford’s Clean Energy and Sustainability Committee. Refreshments will be served. Donations will be welcome.
Past Events
EV 101 – Neighbor to Neighbor
Earth Month Event
Guest Speaker Anna Vanderspeck
Green Energy Consumer Alliance
Thu, April 11, 7:00pm | Millennium School Building
Learn about Electric Vehicle Ownership from your neighbors and the Green Energy Consumers Alliance. Sponsored by Westford Climate Action, Westford Clean Energy and Sustainability Committee and the Westford Sustainability Coordinator.
Getting to Zero: Heat Pump Hot Water Heaters
Larry Chretien
Green Energy Consumer Alliance
An informative webinar about Heat Pump Hot Water Heaters.
Presentation: Heat Pump Water Heaters, March 26, 2024
Climate Change: Simple, Serious, Solvable
Tuesday, January 23 at 3:00 PM
First Parish Church United
Westford Center
Climate Change: Simple, Serious, Solvable, a talk by meteorologist Harvey Leonard will take place at First Parish Church on Tuesday, January 23 at 3 P.M.
Join Harvey Leonard for a talk about Climate Change: what is causing it, why it is serious, and what can be done as we look toward the future. He will also explain the important difference between weather and climate. A Q&A will follow his presentation.
This program is sponsored by the Middlesex Conservation District..
Neighbor-to-Neighbor Solar Energy 101
Thursday, January 18 from 7:00 – 8:30 PM
J.V. Fletcher Library
This free, in-person and online event will include a comprehensive overview of rooftop solar systems by a Westford Climate Action member as well as Westford residents sharing their experiences with going solar. A Q&A will follow.
Topics covered will include:
- How solar panels work
- Components of a home solar system
- Backup batteries and solar
- Solar system energy production
- How home solar saves money
- Available tax credits
- Buying vs. renting a solar system, from initial quotes to an operational system
Additional Resources:
- Residential Consumer Guide to Solar Power June 2023
- Massachusetts SMART program replaces SRECS
- Battery Storage Incentives
- Solar Power 101 Jan 18 2024 Presentation
This seminar is sponsored by Westford Climate Action, Westford Clean Energy and Sustainability Committee, Westford’s Sustainability Coordinator and the J. V. Fletcher Library.
Stargazing Party
Sunday, November 19 from 6-9 PM
Stony Brook School
Event Sold Out
Join Westford Climate Action’s Stargazing Party on Sunday, November 19, from 6:00 – 9:00 PM at the Stony Brook School, 9 Farmer Way, Westford, for an evening of stargazing! Members of the Amateur Telescope Makers of Boston will bring their telescopes. Free and open to all. We will need clear skies, so check our website for updates. If you have a question, contact us at [email protected]. Register at WCAStargazingOctober.eventbrite.com in advance for the Stargazing Party.
Webinar on ISO New England and How it is Important for Westford’s Climate Goals
Wednesday, September 27 · 7:30 – 8:30 pm
Webinar on Zoom
Ever wonder who is keeping the lights on in New England (in addition to the utilities)? Ever hear of eye-so-new-england (ISO-NE)? This webinar will describe the New England grid’s Independent System Operator (ISO), a not-for-profit corporation responsible for keeping electricity flowing across the six New England states and ensuring that the region has reliable, competitively priced wholesale electricity today and into the future. We will also discuss how ISO-NE is important for a town like Westford, given its net zero climate goal.
Host and Contact: Mike Berlinski, Chair of Westford Clean Energy and Sustainability Committee. Contact [email protected]
– Passcode is 0AC+P1!^
Heat Pump 101: Hear From Your Neighbors
Thursday, September 28 · 7:00 pm
In-person at J.V. Fletcher Library and on Zoom
Join neighbors for an information session on air-source heat pumps, ground-source heat pumps, and heat pump water heaters. Get guidance on replacing old HVAC and water heating systems! Find out about incentive programs.
Heat Pumps provide heating and cooling, saving money and emissions!
No registration required to attend in-person.
MIT Haystack: Mission, History and Present Climate Change Work
Thursday, April 27 · 7:00 pm
In-person at J.V. Fletcher Library and on Zoom
Westford Climate Action and the J. V. Fletcher Library are pleased to host Dr. Colin Lonsdale, MIT Haystack Observatory’s Director and radio astronomer. The event will be both in-person at the Library and live via Zoom. Q&A will follow with the audience. No registration is required, but please email Justin Liberti at [email protected] for the Zoom link if you are unable to attend in person.
Stargazing Party
Sunday, April 23 · Cancelled due to Weather
Stony Brook School, 9 Farmer Way Westford
Westford Climate Action is sponsoring an evening of stargazing at the Stony Brook Middle School! Free and open to all! We’ll be stargazing with members of the Amateur Telescope Makers of Boston. They will bring their telescopes to get a great look at the night sky. We will need clear skies, so check this website for updates. If you have a question, contact us at [email protected].
Gardening for Wildlife in an Era of Climate Change
Monday, April 10, 2023
The evidence is clear: Climate change is here! What does this mean for our native flora and fauna? And what can one homeowner really do to mitigate a global crisis? Trevor Smith will talk about how our plant choices and simply changing the way we maintain our properties can make a difference in our local ecology. The power to slow or stop climate change does not rest solely in the hands of the government. We can all make a difference.
Zero Carbon Home: Webinar
Wednesday, March 8, 2023
Join David Green, for a free and highly informative webinar on how you can save money on heating and cooling and cut your carbon footprint. David will share his own experience in installing insulation, solar panels, heat pumps, and energy-efficient windows in his home in Dover, Massachusetts.
Civic Social Meeting with State Senator, John J. Cronin
Wednesday, March 15
The League of Women Voters of Westford and Westford Climate Action are hosting our State Senator, John J. Cronin, on Wednesday, March 15, at 7:30 p.m. in a virtual Civic Social. The event – open to all – will give residents an opportunity to talk informally with Senator Cronin. The Senator was elected to the Senate in 2020.
Promoting Clean Energy in our Buildings: Webinar
Wednesday, July 13 at 7:00 pm
Click below to watch the webinar with Acton Select Board Member Jim Snyder-Grant! He spoke to us about Acton’s Path to Climate Action.
Westford’s Clean Energy and Sustainability Committee has determined that nearly 60% of our greenhouse gases come from our buildings.
How can local boards, committees and residents codify this work so that future projects meet clean energy benchmarks and goals? Q&A followed the presentation.
Watch the Westford Climate Roadmap Forum!
Held Wednesday, April 27 at 7:30 pm
Find out about the specific steps that Westford residents, businesses and municipal leaders can take to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve sustainability. The Roadmap was developed by Westford’s Clean Energy and Sustainability Committee (CEASC). This event was sponsored by the CEASC and Westford Climate Action.
Meeting the Climate Challenge: The View from an MIT Observatory
View the recording of an informative climate webinar held on Jan 27 with the scientists at MIT’s Haystack Observatory in Westford MA. The webinar discussed the latest climate change science and Haystack’s research and polar work.
Heat Smart Alliance Heat Pump Webinar
Learn about heat pumps for residential heating and cooling from the experts at Heat Smart Alliance and MA DOER Green Communities and hear from Westford residents as they discuss their own experiences. A heat pump may make your home more comfortable, save you money and reduce your carbon emissions.
Meeting with legislators on Massachusetts Net Zero 2050 Climate Law
View this recording of Westford Climate Action meeting held May 25 with MA Representatives James Arciero, Joan Meschino and House Joint Committee Chair on Energy, Utilities and Telecommunications Chair Jeffrey Roy.
Did you miss our Solar Webinar?
Learn about residential solar from Westford residents and solar industry representatives discussing customer-owned solar installations, Power Purchase Agreements (PPA), Community Solar, and available tax incentives and low-interest loans.