Cities and towns throughout the country are taking leadership roles to reduce carbon emissions. Westford has joined them.
Upcoming Events
WCA Member Chat
January 23 at 4:00 PM, Marian Harman’s House, 7A Old Colony Drive
Discussion of this year’s goals, assisting CEASC on Stretch Energy Code, and actually being together to brain storm and get to know each other better. Please let Marian know what you’ll be bringing.
Specialized Energy Code Info Session
Thursday, February 6 at 7:00 PM, Millennium Building, 23 Depot St, Conf. Room B. Also available on Zoom
Learn about the Specialized Energy Code that encourages stronger building efficiency standards for new construction. It is proposed to be on the warrant for Annual Town Meeting.
WCA Open House
Wednesday, April 30 at 7:30 PM, Westford Museum
Please bring a friend who may wish to join us!
Westford Climate Roadmap
Westford has a Climate Roadmap! Our Roadmap serves as an organizing framework for our path to net zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. We need to make our buildings and vehicles, the two major sources of GHG pollution in our community, much more efficient and powered by renewable electricity. It is essential to implement the net zero transformation as rapidly as possible, in the most affordable and least economically disruptive way.
We also know that we need to increase our environment’s ability to absorb CO2 while simultaneously reducing our emissions. Emissions reduction alone will not get us to net zero.
Our Roadmap was developed by Westford’s Clean Energy and Sustainability Committee in compliance with a Climate Action Resolution, sponsored by Westford Climate Action, that was passed by Special Town Meeting, on October 17, 2020.
TAKE ACTION: Find out what you can do to reduce emissions
Get a Free Mass Save Energy Audit!
Westford Schools’ New Electric Van
IN THE NEWS: 10 Big Findings from the 2023 IPCC Report on Climate Change: Read More
Our Partners:
Representative James Arciero
2nd Middlesex